Friday, January 28, 2005

Dick Cheney: Dick

OK, so maybe deep down nobody likes to go to concentration camp liberation memorials. And maybe it is hard to know what to wear. But what, for the love of God, is up with this this?

You can't quite make it out in the photo, but according to the Washington Post, the Veep's oversize parka was embroidered with his name. And his nice ski cap had the words "Staff 2001" written on it, as in, "Check out this cool hat I got for free!"

Quid cogitas, Dick? We all knew about your quadruple bypass, but until now you've kept the Alzheimer's pretty well under wraps...

I mean, what other explanation is there? Cheney's a hard-liner on Israel, and no enemy to the Jews. He wouldn't purposefully offend them. So what gives? I can only think of a few possibilities:

1. Likes Jews well enough, but couldn't resist temptation to offend gays, who were also killed at Auschwitz.
2. Had date with Justice Scalia to go duck hunting afterwards in the Oswieçem woods out back behind Birkenau, didn't feel like going all the way back to hotel.

or, what seems most likely,

3. is total dick.

Come to think of it, an embroidered parka pretty much makes you a dick whatever the reason.


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